DC Hair Solution help guide
Here you will be able to find the most common question’s among distributors/hairdressers.
If you didn’t found the answer to what you were looking for, please fill the form on our contact page or
contact us directly & we will assure you that you receive all the needed details.
Price list will be given only after submitting the following details in the contact form: full name, phone number, country, email, and a short brief about the company that includes also the professional side such as the average amount of hair that your business order in a month, what kind of hair (keratin hair, tape hair, clip-in hair), which lengths, etc.
Basically around 50 colors in our color ring, and creating new trend colors by demand.
We only accept Payment through bank wire.
The minimum order is 1kg for each color, each length.
After full payment we send the order through general courrier companies, payment included in the invoice with tracking number
Print materials free of charge, products by charge.
Yes, 100% human hair.